Monday, June 11, 2012

What is the mission of the Awakened Conscious Shift?

What is the mission of the Awakened Conscious Shift?
We are creating a global shift that inspires and empowers women to allow other women to show up as they are instead of showing up as they would like them to...
This is the NEW feminine way of being and doing business! 
 It's time for an awakened conscious shift in how we see ourselves, each other and how we create and run our businesses, groups and organizations. 
Would you like to serve women in a bigger way?
  • Would you like to learn how to attract more women into your group, team, organization or programs?
  • Would you like to discover how to intentionally help women show up more authentic and empowered? 
  • Would you like to increase your socio/emotional intelligence to better position yourself to 
  • effectively lead your groups and teams?
  • Would you like gain the tools to embrace the feminine conscious shift and create and sustain a community where all women thrive?
There are women waiting to connect with you, join your team, join your group and be a part of your organization but is the PINK Elephant keeping you from finding and welcoming them in? It's time to truthfully, openly and respectfully talk about the PINK Elephants keep women from creating inclusive communities and collaborating without silent qualifiers. 
What the Awakened Conscious Shift is offering women like you...
  • Real Talk Conversations
  • Training and Workshops
  • Teleconferences
  • Individual and Professional Coaching
  • Leadership Development
  • Virtual and Live Speaking Presentations 
  • Organizational Consulting
Join us on Facebook!

Make your shift today...